====== Monkeypsych data trial parameters ====== ===== States ===== ^ State ^ State Name ^ State Type ^ Info ^ |1|INI_TRI|wait|initialize trial| |2|FIX_ACQ|acquisition|fixation acquisition| |3|FIX_HOL|hold|fixation hold| |4|TAR_ACQ|acquisition|target acquisition| |5|TAR_HOL|hold|target hold| |6|CUE_ON|hold|cue on| |7|MEM_PER|hold|memory period| |8|DEL_PER|hold|delay period| |9|TAR_ACQ_INV|acquisition|target acquisition invisible| |10|TAR_HOL_INV|hold|target hold invisible| |11|MAT_ACQ|acquisition|target acquisition in S2S task| |12|MAT_HOL|hold|target hold in S2S task| |13|MAT_ACQ_MSK|acquisition|masked target acquisition in S2S task| |14|MAT_HOL_MSK|hold|masked target hold in S2S task| |15|SEN_RET|acquisition|return to sensors for poffenberger| |16|FIX_PER|hold|fixation with multiple cue flashes| |17|MSK_HOL|hold|backwards mask for M2S| |19|ABORT|wait|state determining abort code| |20|SUCCESS|wait|state determining success consequences| |21|REWARD|wait|dispense reward| |22|CUE_ON_AUDITIV|hold|auditory cue| |23|TA2_ACQ|acquisition|wager target acquisition| |24|TA2_HOL|hold|wager target hold| |25|FI2_ACQ|acquisition|wager fixation (?) acquisition| |26|FI2_HOL|hold|wager fixation (?) hold| |50|ITI|wait|inter trial interval| |60|SAC_INI|postprocessing|saccade initiation| |61|SAC_END|postprocessing|saccade end| |62|REA_INI|postprocessing|reach initiation| |63|REA_END|postprocessing|reach end| |68|MOV_INI|postprocessing|movement initiation (regardless of effector, reach if both)| |69|MOV_END|postprocessing|movement end (regardless of effector, reach if both)| |90|TRI_END|postprocessing|trial end (regardless of success)| |98|ITI_END|postprocessing|ITI end (regardless of last trial)| |99|CLOSE|wait|end run and save| |-1|SUCCESS_ABORT|MP analyze|trial end (regardless of success)?| ===== Types ===== All types start with INI_TRI and end with ABORT/(SUCCESS + REWARD), then ITI ^ Type ^ Info ^ State Order ^ |1|fixation|FIX_ACQ FIX_HOL| |2|direct saccade/reach|FIX_ACQ FIX_HOL TAR_ACQ TAR_HOL| |2.5|direct saccade/reach with "cue" distractor |FIX_ACQ FIX_HOL CUE_ON MEM_PER TAR_ACQ TAR_HOL| |3|memory|FIX_ACQ FIX_HOL CUE_ON MEM_PER TAR_ACQ_INV TAR_HOL_INV TAR_ACQ TAR_HOL| |4|delay|FIX_ACQ FIX_HOL CUE_ON DEL_PER TAR_ACQ TAR_HOL| |5|Search-to-sample|FIX_ACQ FIX_HOL CUE_ON MEM_PER MAT_ACQ MAT_HOL| |6|Search-to-sample (masked targets)|FIX_ACQ FIX_HOL CUE_ON MEM_PER MAT_ACQ_MSK MAT_HOL_MSK| |7|Poffenberger|FIX_ACQ FIX_HOL TAR_ACQ SEN_RET DEL_PER | |8|Multiple cue flashes for RF checking|FIX_ACQ FIX_HOL CUE_ON FIX_PER| |9|delayed M2S with backward masking|FIX_ACQ FIX_HOL CUE_ON MSK_HOL TAR_ACQ TAR_HOL| |10|delayed M2S with backward masking + Wagering|FIX_ACQ FIX_HOL CUE_ON MSK_HOL TAR_ACQ TAR_HOL CUE_ON_AUDITIV FI2_ACQ FI2_HOL TA2_ACQ TA2_HOL| |11|Fixation with visual cue |FIX_ACQ FIX_HOL CUE_ON DEL_PER| |12|Fixation with auditory cue |FIX_ACQ FIX_HOL CUE_ON CUE_ON_AUDITIV| ===== Effectors ===== ^ Effector^ Abbreviation^ Info ^ |0|Sac|eye only| |1|Rea|hand only| |2|???|joint movement| |3|Dsa|dissociated saccade| |4|Dre|dissociated reach| |5|???|sensors| |6|cfr|dissociated reach with intitial central fixation|