===== Interactions with other pipelines ===== because spike_analysis incorporates the sorted_neurons table (f.e. unit_IDs and site_IDs) into behavior and ephys data, it is used as a first step in all ephys analysis. Outputs in Y:\Projects\project\ephys\version: ^File ^Info ^ | population_monkey_session.mat | spike data sorted by unit for each session | | sites_monkey_session.mat | LFP data sorted by site for each session | | by_block_monkey_session.mat | body signals sorted by block for each session | | Mon_sorted_neurons.xls | copies of the used sorted neurons tables from dropbox | | keys_Monkey.mat | copy of the keys used when running ph_initiation | | tuning_table_combined.mat | Anova results stored in a table | | tuning_table_combined_CI.mat | Anova results restructured according to contra/ipsi definitions | | tuning_table_combined.xls | simplified excel table | | spike_shapes | Spike shapes, firing rates over time, and ISI plots for re-assessing spike sorting | The three main files come in a specific data structure, which contain the same fields except for the respective data: * by_block(body signals) - only trial information and body signals * sites (LFP) - additional site information and LFP, no body signals * population (spikes) - additional unit information and spike_arrival times, no LFP, no body signals ==== Trial structure subfields (By_block files) ==== to be removed: cue_pos: NaN cue_shape: NaN all_tar_pos: [2x1 double] col_dim: [2x3 double] col_bri: [2x3 double] ^Condition info^Format^Info ^ | type|scalar| from data| | effector|scalar| from data| | reach_hand|scalar| from data| | choice|scalar| from data| | success|scalar| from data| | completed|scalar| from data| | correct_targets|scalar| from data| | target_selected|scalar| from data| | n_nondistractors|scalar| from data| | n_distractors|scalar| from data| | difficulty|scalar| from data| | stimuli_in_2hemifields|scalar| from data| | perturbation|scalar| using perturbation_groups key ??| | dataset|scalar| Dataset from sorted_neurons (only in spikes so far ??)| ^Timing info^Format^Info ^ | date|scalar| from data| | block|scalar| from data| | run|scalar| from data| | n|scalar| from data| | trial_onset_time|scalar| from data| | run_onset_time|scalar| from data| | states|array| array of events marked in this trial| | states_onset|array [s]| corresponding onset times (relative to state 2)| ^Spatial info^Format^Info ^ | fix_pos|complex| x is real, y is imaginary (already preprocessed?)| | tar_pos|complex| x is real, y is imaginary| | stm_pos|complex| x is real, y is imaginary| ^Response info^Format^Info ^ | rea_off|complex| x is real, y is imaginary| | sac_off|complex| x is real, y is imaginary| | sac_lat|scalar| Saccade RT (in seconds)| | rea_lat|scalar| Reach RT (in seconds)| ^Specific data ^Format^Info ^ | TDT_ECG1|array| Body signal Data (ECG1,CAP1,POX1)| | TDT_ECG1_SR|scalar| Sampling rate| | TDT_ECG1_t0_from_rec_start|scalar| state 2 onset relative to start of the recording (block?) | | TDT_ECG1_tStart|scalar| (usually negative) how much of the stream is before state 2 - due to shift!!| | LFP|array| LFP data, not called TDT_LFPx any more, but SR,t0,andtStart are...| | arrival_times|array| in seconds, relative to this trial's state 2| | FR_average|scalar| average firing rate for this unit in this trial| | accepted|scalar| trial accepted for this unit| | FR|scalar| ??| | stability_rating|scalar| why is this here ??| ==== Additional Site files fields==== ^Fieldname^Example^Info ^ | site_ID|'Bac_20210706_Site_01| as assigned in sorted_neurons, in population files this is the corresponding site for this unit | | target|'dPul_R'| recording target from sorted_neurons| | perturbation_site|'NA'| perturbation target from sorted_neurons| | grid_x|3| grid location from sorted_neurons| | grid_y|-4.5| grid location from sorted_neurons| | electrode_depth|45| Aimed_electrode_depth from sorted_neurons| | monkey|'Bacchus_phys'| as assigned in sorted_neurons (?) | ==== Additional Population file fields==== ^Fieldname^Example^Info ^ | unit_ID |'Bac_20210706_01'| as assigned in sorted_neurons | | channel|2| channel the unit was recorded in | | block_unit|{3x1 cell}| which cluster in which block are combined in this unit| | SNR_rating|2| SNR rating (either from sorted_neurons or automatic?)| | Single_rating|1| Single rating (either from sorted_neurons or automatic?)| | stability_rating|2| stability rating (either from sorted_neurons or automatic?)| | quantSNR| 11.5| KK automatic SNR| | n_waveforms|0| apparently bugged| | waveform_average| [1x30 single]| average waveform of this unit| | waveform_std| [1x30 single]| std of waveform for each bin| | waveform_width| 3.0224e-04| width (in time?)| | waveform_amplitude| 173.2376| amplitude (?)| | FR| 2.68| average firing rate across all data|