====== Spike analysis pipeline overview ====== ===== Folder structure ===== ^Inputs ^Info| |\Dropbox\DAG\phys\Monkey_phys_dpz\Mon_sorted_neurons.xls|electrode locations, unit/site IDs,SNR/Stability/single ratings| |\GitHub\Settings\spike_analysis\project|project and version specific settings (keys)| |Y:\Data\Monkey_phys_combined_monkeypsych_TDT|raw data| Outputs in Y:\Projects\project\ephys\version: ^File ^Info| |population_monkey_session.mat|spike data sorted by unit for each session | |sites_monkey_session.mat |LFP data sorted by site for each session | |by_block_monkey_session.mat |body signals sorted by block for each session | |Mon_sorted_neurons.xls |copies of the used sorted neurons tables from dropbox | |keys_Monkey.mat |copy of the keys used when running ph_initiation | |tuning_table_combined.mat |Anova results stored in a table | |tuning_table_combined_CI.mat |Anova results restructured accroding to contra/ipsi definitions | |tuning_table_combined.xls |simplified excel table | |seed.mat |a saved seed to make randomizations reproducable | ^Subfolder ^Info| |spike_shapes |Spike shapes, firing rates over time, and ISI plots | |single_cell_examples |Single cell plots | |cell_counts |Anova results as pie plots | |scatter |Anova results as scatter plots (one column versus another)| |population_analysis |population PSTHs | |response timing |tuning over time plots | |… | | ===== General Workflow ===== * ph_initiation(project,{version1,version2,…}) - read in general settings → project settings → version settings - loop per monkey: ph_session_processing (core function) * read in data from Y:\Data\Monkey_phys_combined_monkeypsych_TDT * run monkeypsych_analyze for saccade detection etc. * run ph_run_state_alignment_per_trial * takes over relevant trial and state (event) information from monkeypsych_analyze output (TDT_states and saccade/reach initiation) * combines it with Sorted Neuron table information * !! Copies last 1 second of spikes to beginning of next trial * !! Cuts and appends last 1 second of streams to beginning of next trial * !! excludes trials without physiology data And/or NOT matching condition * resort data by unit/site/block * plot waveforms/ISI/FR_across time per unit * exclude units dependent on excel entries (SNR/stability/single rating) * plot waveforms/ISI/FR_across time per unit again for remaining units * run ANOVAs (ph_ANOVAS) and create tuning table * create single cell plots (ph_plot_unit_per_condition) * save files per session - format tuning table (create tuning_table_combined_CI.mat and tuning_table_combined.xls) - ph_get_filelist for crossreferencing with behavior - ph_initiate_population_analysis also runs population analysis * ===== Synchronization ===== * Very important: ... INDEED :) ===== Associated code ===== ...