====== Population matfile format ====== For example: load('Y:\Projects\Simultaneous_dPul_PPC_recordings\ephys\dPul_LIP_Lin_20211109\population_Linus_20211109.mat'); population(1).trial(6) ans = struct with fields: type: 4 effector: 0 reach_hand: 0 choice: 1 success: 1 fix_pos: 2.0000 + 0.0000i tar_pos: -13.0000 + 0.0000i % selected target position trial_onset_time: 34.3180 states_onset: [-0.5432 0 0.0164 1.0167 1.3329 2.1342 2.3496 2.7506 2.7677 3.2340 2.3210 2.3610 2.7506 4.9227] date: 20211109 block: 1 run: 1 n: 7 % original trial number in behavioral monkeypsych mat file completed: 1 sac_off: -0.1680 + 0.2490i sac_lat: 0.1870 rea_off: NaN + NaNi rea_lat: NaN cue_pos: NaN cue_shape: NaN all_tar_pos: [2×1 double] col_dim: [2×3 double] col_bri: [2×3 double] target_selected: 2 states: [1 2 3 6 8 4 5 20 21 50 60 61 90 98] run_onset_time: 40342 arrival_times: [96×1 single] % aligned to the same time as states_onset, to state 2 dataset: 80 perturbation: 0 FR_average: 29.1457 accepted: 1 FR: 25.3556