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NeuroElf Resources

DAG notes


1) During installation, disable (remove from path) Chronux: conflict with linec.m

2) NeuroElf functions use std.m and var.m as in newer versions of MATLAB, with 3 inputs: e.g. Y = STD(X,FLAG,DIM). Therefore, NaN toolbox functions std.m and var.m are incompatible, remove it from path. Revise sterr.m and corrcoef_eval.m and place to Igtools.

3) Starting from NeuroElf_v09d, many useful auxiliary scripts/functions are “hidden” behind @neuroelf method, and reside in ..\@neuroelf\private. They can be placed in the path (i.e. copied to the main NeuroElf folder, it is not possible to add to path this private folder directly), or accessed as described in [main installation folder] / README.html > Function library:

>> netools = neuroelf;
>> list_of_files = netools.findfiles(startfolder, pattern);

Currently required functions for DAG NeuroElf-based functions (\Sources\MATLAB\bv_umg):

  • findfiles
  • checkstruct
  • renamefile
  • dicom_dic

Used by ne_pl_fmriqasheet.m:

  • psctrans
  • packmosaic
  • scaledata
  • minmaxmean
  • splittocell


For getting detailed help on each method of xff object (e.g. fmr), use:

>> fmr.Help % to see all methods
>> fmr.Help('Method') % e.g. fmr.Help('Realign') to see details of each method 


NeuroElf-based ERA

neuroelf/neuroelf_resources.1418075388.txt.gz · Last modified: 2022/12/29 07:15 (external edit)