Table of Contents
Work in progress
- create complete handles template to skip GUI usage easily
- Combine TDT functions with internal DAG functions to have all in one folder?
- MAKE SURE FIRST_TRIAL_INI does not cause problems when several blocks are in one run
Resolved(?) bugs
- strange bug for counters in TDT not being set correctly in the first trial, fixed in TDT RCO (on ??)…
- strange bug for counters in TDT not being set correctly in several trials in the beginning, probably due to random digital input (no idea where idea where that came from): Bac_20210826 - these trials are currently discarded in TDT_trial_struct
- in Linus_20150703, block 5, second trial has trial number 1, first trial somehting random - currently trial 1 is discarded in TDT_trial_struct if second trial has trial number 1
ephys_pipeline/7_todo.txt · Last modified: 2022/12/29 07:15 by